Tuesday, December 15, 2009

January Meeting

Friends to Meet Jan 4

The Friends of the Dover Library will hold its January meeting on Monday, January 4, at 9 am in the library's Community Room. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Topics to discuss include initial planning for the March 25 Spelling Bee. If you are interested in participating in the Bee or volunteering for the event, please email the Friends at Friends.of.Dover.Library@gmail.com. For general information or to get involved with the Friends, log onto www.friendsofdoverlibrary.blogspot.com, or email the executive committee at Friends.of.Dover.Library@gmail.com.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here is a sweet deal!

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) is the Dover Tree Lighting ceremony. If you go, you will be treated to music by the Chickering school band, and hot chocolate from Park & Rec, who host the event. Thanks to Cheryl Abdullah and Jane Bleakley of the Friends of the Library, you will also have access to an incredibly sweet deal: candy canes with coupons for $5 off a new Friends membership. (One $5 coupon per household, please.)

In times of uncertainty (economic or otherwise), the importance of our community moves to the forefront of our awareness. We are lucky to live in a town that values community spirit, and we have a library that embodies it. And now you have another good reason ($5 worth!) to support your Library with a Friends membership.

Thanks to SuperFriend Jane for executing Operation Candy Cane.

PS the Library is open that night, if you need to grab a holiday video or a good read for a long winter's night.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce that Mary Felton of Marshfield is the December Artist of the Month. “Mary Felton Charcoal Drawings” will feature original charcoal drawings and affordably priced framed prints. The exhibit will be on display in the library from December 1st to 30th.

Felton’s work varies from pieces that border on photo-realism to those that border on abstract. Figures and horses dominate her choice of subject matter because the artist finds so much beauty in them, and she gets the most satisfaction from capturing them in charcoal.

“Even though I worked briefly in other mediums,” she said, “I’ve always embraced charcoal drawing, and it has been my exclusive medium since 1996.”

“With charcoal,” she continued, “there is no faking it - not when you are working in realism. Flaws and weaknesses cannot be hidden under the complexity of color tones and painting techniques. The simplicity and boldness of black, white and grays expose design and value structure in all their raw nakedness.”

A graduate of the Art Institute of Boston, Felton worked as a commercial artist for several years before switching to fine art. Since building her home in 1995, which provided her with a permanent studio, she has had much success with her black and white charcoal drawings. In addition to her personal work, Felton occasionally does commissioned portraits, mainly of horses.

She has exhibited widely in hundreds of juried shows nationwide, as well as having solo shows in Boston and New York.

Felton has accumulated many prestigious awards over the years, including in 2008, when she was awarded the first-ever Gold Medal of Honor Best in Show Award at the Academic Artists Association’s Annual Juried Show in Springfield, MA. In early 2009, she was honored to have two drawings included in a book published by Art Horse Magazine.

This year, Felton also enjoyed becoming a full elected member of the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club of New York, one of the country’s most distinguished women’s arts organizations, and she exhibited in the Spring Members Show at the Broome Street Gallery in Greenwich Village as well as at the Annual Juried Show at the National Arts Club.

Felton is active in the many organizations into which she has been juried as a member, including the Hudson Valley Art Association, Hudson Valley, NY, and the International Guild of Realism, Scottsdale, AZ. She is represented by Franklin 54 Gallery in New York.

To learn more about the artist, please visit her website at MaryFelton.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dec Meeting - Dec 7

The Friends will hold its December meeting on Monday, December 7, at 9 am in the library's Community Room. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Topics to discuss include initial planning for the March 25 Spelling Bee, planning a book sale in the new year and a recap of the Holiday House Tour. For more information or to get involved, please email the executive committee at Friends.of.Dover.Library@gmail.com.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Friends of the Dover Library Holiday House Tour was, once again, a great success. Shown below is an excerpt from an article by Neil Johnson of the Dover-Sherborn Press:

Any drive through Dover will pass by a few antique homes or beautiful mansions, and thanks to the Friends of the Dover Library and four generous Dover homeowners, Dover residents had a chance to walk through some of those beautiful homes on Sunday’s 23rd annual Holiday Homes Tour.

The tour, which visited three of Dover’s antique homes and one new mansion, is the Friends’ largest benefit of the year; 650 tickets were printed for this year’s tour, with sales going briskly into the tour date thanks to the beautiful weather.
When the Friends of Dover Library began the house tour 23 years ago, it was one of the first in the area, said Madge Casper who, along with Michele Keleher, chairs the event; though the number has grown in intervening years, some have been cancelled this year because of the economy. Casper was thankful that Dover residents were still coming out to support the library.
“In these recessionary times, we’re pleased the tour participants realize the importance of giving back to the community,” she said. “The library is one of the top five for its size in the country, and it’s money we raise with the tour that helps keep it that way.”
“It takes a lot of citizens of Dover to come together to present these houses,” Keleher added, noting that 13 members of the Friends committee work year-round to get the tour ready, and 65 people work at the houses on the day of the event.
The first house on the tour, which belonged to Rose DiBartolo, was an antique home, once two separate farmhouses built in 1818 that had been joined together to form one house. In the last seven years, it has undergone significant transformations, adding a variety of amenities and turning what was a large garage into the new living room. The house featured a pool and granite terrace in the backyard, as well as birdhouses and a fountain.
Each house on the tour featured different floral designers donated by a florist and food donated by caterers. At the DiBartolo house, Perennial Designs of Needham had provided the floral arrangements, and the Dover Market provided the catering; Higgins Wine and Spirits also offered wines for tasting and recommendations for the upcoming holiday season, and Adam Shumate played piano for the event. Nancy Wright of Perennial, who had, with Lisa Calderone, designed the floral arrangements, talked a little about the process of designing for the house tour.
“We come to the house several weeks before the event to take photos and get a feel for the style of the house,” said Wright. “We also speak with the owner to learn about their design ideas.”
The second house, 1 Pegan Lane, was owned by David W. Lewis Jr. Lewis had grown up in the house and had moved back in 2004, after two years of extensive renovations. The house had been built in 1735, and some of the house retained its antique feel; it had, in its long history, been a blacksmith shop, a tavern and a general store. The house featured floral arrangements by Flowers by Design of Dover, and Dessert Works of Norwood provided catering. Lewis stood outside and spoke to visitors about his house as they were leaving.
“It’s quite an old house,” said Lewis. “For a long time people didn’t put much money into it, so everything’s reused — it gives it much of its character.”
The third house, the home of John and Jan Barr at 120 Walpole St., was a 1795 farmhouse which had, in its long life, served as a country and equestrian property for a number of prominent Bostonians such as Dr. Hans Zinsser, a noted immunologist and Harvard Medical School professor who would bring faculty and students to the farm. Though the property once included much of the surrounding area, most was sold off in the 1960s, and the house has seen extensive renovation. It remains an equestrian property; there is still an antique barn on the property, and at times there have been as many as seven horses. The floral designs were by Forte of Westwood, and Chiara provided the food for the house.
The final home, the house of Stephen Fogg at 3 Adams Lane, was the tour’s only modern home, built in 1999. Located on more than 24 acres of land and surrounded by forest, the house featured mahogany floors and granite countertops in its spacious rooms, and was filled with floral arrangements by the Chicatabot Garden Club, the Dover Garden Club and the Powisset Garden Club. The catering was done by Sherborn Inn.
The beautiful houses are the draw of the tour, of course, and the touring groups enjoy taking in the beauty of the houses and getting ideas for their own. But underlying all of that is the important fundraising for the library; Anne Coster, a member of the Holiday House Tour Committee, said the day is so effective because it serve both purposes so well.
“All funds go straight to the library, to things like children’s reading programs and author visits,” Coster said. “It’s a great way to contribute to the library, and it’s also a fun day out.”

Here is the link to the actual article: http://www.wickedlocal.com/dover/news/x255181507/Good-crowds-great-weather-for-Holiday-House-Tour

Many thanks to all who helped make the day a success! And thank you to Neil and the DS Press for the great coverage.

More on Advocacy: State Library of Massachusetts--potentially closing, but at what cost?

This just in, from the Reference Department of the State Library:

At a press conference on Thursday, October 29, the Massachusetts Governor's Office announced that Governor Patrick is considering closing the State Library of Massachusetts as a cost-saving measure. This closure will have a monumental impact on the cultural heritage of the Commonwealth.

Open to the public since 1826, the State Library has developed comprehensive collections in the areas of government documents, law, Massachusetts history, and public and current affairs. From the Bradford manuscript "Of Plimoth Plantation" to the ever-expanding digital repository, the State Library has collected items of crucial importance to the record of Massachusetts' historical wealth.

Please sign our online petition to show your support of the State Library of Massachusetts: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/saveyourstatelibrary/
After signing, a message will appear asking if you would like to make a donation. There is no need to make a donation. Your name has been recorded, and an acknowledgement email will be sent. Just close out of this window. This is the price of using a “free” petition site.

Additionally, if you would like to contact the Governor's office directly, please visit his website at http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=gov3utilities&sid=Agov3&U=Agov3_contact_us.

If you would like to make a donation, please visit the Friends of the State Library page at http://www.mass.gov/lib.

Follow us on Facebook at Save Your State Library!

The State Library is undertaking exciting digital initiatives to provide greater public access to our collections.

· Electronic Repository: This summer, the library upgraded its electronic repository of the Acts and Resolves and other state publications. In addition to a new look and feel and enhanced features, we have added several thousand new electronic documents.

· Scanning: Through a partnership with the UMass Boston libraries and the Boston Library Consortium, the library has scanned the Acts and Resolves from 1692 to present, the Reports of the Attorney General (1832 to present) and several other series. These digital objects will be added to our electronic repository and are currently available on our website.

· Electronic Journals List: Through our affiliation with our library network, we are now able to provide an A to Z list of electronic journals available through the library’s subscriptions (some require a State Library of Massachusetts card for access).

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: in this economic environment, we are going to have to be increasingly committed to advocating for the things we believe in. What you do next is up to you.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Newletters are on the way

2,378 newsletters hit the Post Office today, thanks to some fast folding and tying by FriendsCorps volunteer Vicki Hadar. The newsletter is worth hanging on to: not only does it give you a quick guide to Library contacts, it showcases many of the events the Friends are planning--including the upcoming House Tour on Sunday, November 8th.

You'll notice that we are experimenting with a new format; send your comments to our new e-mail address: friends.of.dover.library@gmail.com, or post them at the end of this entry.

As always, many thanks to our printers at Allegra of Brockton and the Dover PO. Both make the newsletter process far easier than it could be.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Advocacy update from the Massachusetts Library Association

This just in, from our friends at Project Alert:

October 22, 2009
Don’t Close the Books on Libraries!
Massachusetts library supporters will gather at the MA State House at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 to rally for libraries. Sponsored by the Massachusetts Library Association (MLA), the rally “Don’t Close the Books on Libraries” has been planned in reaction to the devastating cuts to the Commonwealth’s library budgets. MA libraries are struggling to survive an onslaught of budget cuts in municipal and statewide funding at the same time that demand for library services has escalated sharply statewide.

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners’ (MBLC) budget cap for FY2011 is a 16% reduction in total funding from this year (FY2010). This comes at a time when people are relying on library resources more than ever in order to mitigate the negative effects of a depressed economy.
MA library use, rising steadily for over a decade, has skyrocketed with the worsening economic recession. Many citizens rely on libraries for access to technology, especially now when so many people have lost jobs and cannot pay for computer and Internet resources.
Unemployed citizens rely on library resources for help in obtaining jobs.
Public libraries are funded at a statewide average of just 1.2% of municipal expenditures, yet they return much greater value to their communities, providing invaluable educational, cultural and literacy resources to all.
Resource sharing of the collections of MA libraries is at an all time high. Public library borrowing in Massachusetts hit an all time high for the 9th consecutive year in 2008, with more than 57 million items transported across the state through regional delivery services.
Our libraries provide access to high quality academic databases that promote the literacy and scholarship essential to students and an informed citizenry.
The vast majority of MA libraries belong to networks that facilitate resource sharing and manage the libraries’ online catalogs. Telecommunications funding support is currently insufficient to maintain adequate bandwidth levels due to the record amounts of MA citizens using the Commonwealth’s online library catalogs.
Increased network costs not funded at the state level will be passed along to member libraries at a time when they can least afford any increases. Member libraries do not have the budget resources to cope with rising annual membership assessments due to cuts in their budgets at the local level.

With thanks to Krista McLeod & Jackie Rafferty, Co-Chairs MLA Legislative Committee

It looks like advocacy is going to be more important than ever this year. Stay tuned, go show your support on the 4th if you can, and consider joining Project Alert at projectalert@masslib.org.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kate True, Nov. Artist of the Month

The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce that Kate True of Roxbury is the November Artist of the Month at the Dover Town Library. True, who works in oils on canvas and linen, will showcase her portraits and other paintings of children for the entire month.

"My current work is an attempt to distill an emotional experience into its barest representation, including only the most meaningful details,” said True. “I’m interested in the way bodies and gestures can telegraph meaning so eloquently.”

True said that she is interested in maintaining the sensual, graceful or forceful line of a drawing while also developing a lushly painted surface, creating space and volume. She draws on her experience as a filmmaker to instill a dramatic sense of narrative in her work, creating mysterious worlds and depicting harmonious surfaces that belie a tension beneath.

While she has completed more than 50 commissioned portraits in the past ten years, in her most recent paintings, True has begun to explore the landscape as well as the figure.

“I think about the way the environment affects and informs the emotional experience of the subject and the viewer,” added True. “In the paintings without a figure, a human presence is felt nonetheless, as a scene experienced through the distorting lens of memory.”

Her paintings have been featured in galleries in Massachusetts, New York, Florida and Illinois, as well as in many private collections nationally and internationally. True has won numerous awards, including a Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant for her “Little Women” exhibit and many academic honors.

A native of Charlotte, Vermont, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Art from Wesleyan University. True also holds an MFA from New York University, where she is a graduate of the Film and Television Program. She continued her studies in painting and printmaking at MassArt and the Museum School

The Artist of the Month program is sponsored by the Friends of the Dover Library. Each month, a different local artist’s work is displayed in the library. Pieces are available for sale and 10 percent of all sales go to the library.

Next Meeting - Nov. 2

Friends to Meet Nov 2

The Friends of the Dover Library will hold its next meeting on Monday, November 2, at 9 a.m. in the library's Community Room. All are welcome and are encouraged to attend. Topics to discuss include the Nov. 8 Holiday House Tour, the launch of FriendsCorps (a volunteer list of people we can call upon - email the Friends if you are interested in joining) and a recap of the Oktoberfest beer tasting. For more information or to get involved, email the executive committee at Friends.of.Dover.Library@gmail.com.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reminder - Oktoberfest on 10/22

$20 = Beer + Sausages + Pretzels = Fun + $ for library!

Just a reminder that on Thursday, Oktoberfest comes to Dover ... we'll sample brews and get info from Tammy Lamenzo of Higgins, snack on sausages from Dover Market, munch on pretzels and mingle to music - all to benefit the Dover Town Library.

We are trying to get a count, so if you are planning to come (or think you might), please email us at Friends.of.Dover.Library@gmail.com. It is $20 at the door, and if you join the Friends/renew that night at the Family level or above, you'll get a discount on your ticket.

Oct 22
7-9 pm
Dover Library

Hope you can join us!

Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested. It is open to anyone of legal drinking age.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Have you heard about our new volunteer opportunity? We are creating a "FriendsCorps" - people we can all upon to pinch hit, or volunteer for one-of-a-kind events. It is not a commitment to help at a specific event - just a commitment to agree to be contacted when we need volunteers for events such as the Holiday House Tour, the Spelling Bee, book sales and other events. It would just be a few hours and having additional help on hand is often crucial to an event’s success. I hope that you will join the "FriendsCorp" - and that you will be available to help at an upcoming event! And if you have more time, we'd love to have you join us at our monthly meetings - the first Monday of the month.

Please let us know if you'd like to be put on our email list for:


Meeting Announcements

Meeting Minutes

Please send an e-mail to Friends.Of.Dover.Library@gmail.com with the heading “Subscribe”. Simply list the e-mail lists you wish to join. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any point, you may do so by sending an e-mail with “unsubscribe” in the header.

Join today!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Library support rally at the State House: November 4th

The following was sent to me by Krista McLeod and Jackie Rafferty, Co-Chairs of the MLA Legislative Committee:


Please join library colleagues and supporters for MLA’s rally for libraries! “Don’t Close the Books on Libraries” will take place on Wednesday, November 4th at 11:00 a.m. on the steps of the State House in the “well area”. Massachusetts Center for the Book’s annual MA Book Awards will be held inside the State House from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m., so plan to attend this exciting event following our rally so that we can celebrate and support Massachusetts libraries and authors!

We will have 250 signs printed with our slogan, and so need a minimum of 250 people to carry them. We need every MA public library to send at least one staff members, trustee or friend, so that a big message can be sent regarding the devastating impact of funding cuts to the Commonwealth’s libraries. Now more than ever we must let our legislators know that cuts to libraries will negatively impact the many citizens who rely on their libraries for Internet and technology resources, books and research materials, and for help in finding jobs.

Your participation is vitally important to the future of MA libraries!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009


The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce an Oktoberfest themed beer tasting at the Dover Library on Thursday, October 22, from 7 pm to 9 pm. Tammy Lamenzo of Higgins Wine & Spirits will lead the group through a variety of beers both Germanic and local in origin while attendees munch on sausages and pretzels.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Dover Library, the beer tasting is made possible in part by generous donations by Higgins Wine & Spirits and Dover Market. All proceeds benefit the Friends of the Dover Library.

The event is open to the public and anyone of legal drinking age is welcome to attend.

Tickets are $20 per person and may be purchased the door. Additionally, those who join the Friends of the Dover Library or renew their memberships at the Family level and above that evening will receive a discount on their ticket.

Reservations are not required but to guarantee a place, please sign up at the library’s front desk or email friends.of.dover.library@gmail.com.

The Art of Jane!

I ran through Dover Market this afternoon, and stopped short at the door: check out Jane Bleakley's poster for the upcoming Mark Binder event.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Next Meeting - Oct. 6

The Friends of the Dover Library will hold its October meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 9 am in the library's Community Room. All are encouraged to attend and we welcome new members. Topics to discuss include planning an Oktoberfest Beer Tasting at the library and an upcoming book sale.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Art of Peace at Dover Library on Oct. 6


Grant from Dover Cultural Council Helps Support Evening for Kids and Adults

The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce that Mark Binder, author, storyteller and self-described ‘nice guy’, will present “The Art of Peace” on Tuesday, October 6, at 7 p.m. at the Dover Library. Combining his martial arts experience and storytelling skills, Binder will present a program that will prove both entertaining and discussion-provoking. It is suitable for children in 3rd grade and older, including teens and adults.

Binder will tackle questions such as: How can you handle a bully? When does a conflict begin? What are the consequences of violence? Can problems be resolved peacefully? Believing there is an alternative to war, Binder helps students understand the nature of conflict, teaches ways to deal with upsets and problems, and creates new options for action and resolution.

“Stories do more than teach and engage the imagination,” Binder said. “They can inspire change and transform lives.”

A former candidate for US Congress, Mark Binder is a writer, storyteller and Aikido instructor. He holds a third-degree black belt in Aikido, the martial art for peace. He has recently released a new booklet, "The Art of Peace", which includes some of the stories in the presentation. For more information on Mark Binder, please visit his web site at www.markbinder.com.

The evening is coordinated by the Friends of the Dover Library and supported in part by a grant from the Dover Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC), a state agency. For more information on the MCC, please visit www.massculturalcouncil.org.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They're in the mail!

This year's Membership mailing is posted. We use the Friends' postal permit to send a flyer to every household (and there are more at the Library). It is SUCH a production--drafting, turning it into Publisher, sorting and finally mailing.

Please don't throw it out when it lands in your mailbox. There was too much work involved!

We have many people to thank, including the Friends who worked on the mailing, Jane Bleakley for the amazing artwork, Allegra Printing in Brockton for their excellent service and prompt turnaround, Alison for the sorting, and--last but not least--the Dover PO for their cheerful assistance and speedy delivery.

I can't miss an opportunity to remind you what benefits a membership in the Friends brings, to you and to the entire community. Your support and participation strengthens our excellent library and enables it to do more for you. Community support is an important factor in determining financial support--from the state as well as from the town. Help Dover look as good as it should, and send in your form soon!

Thank you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Meeting - Sept. 10

The Friends will hold its first meeting of the year on Thursday, September 10, at 9 am in the library's Community Room. This is a departure from the regular schedule due to school start dates and the late Labor Day. The group regularly meets the first Tuesday of the month, and the normal schedule will resume in October. Hope to see you on the 10th!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

House Tour date is set: Sunday, November 8th

Come join the Dover community for the 22nd annual Holiday House Tour on Sunday, November 8th. Tour beautiful houses, expertly decorated, featuring local caterers, florists and garden clubs and be inspired for your own decorating and entertaining. The MFA's Art in Bloom program will exhibit at one of the houses, and there will be a large gift boutique where you may purchase hand-made crafts from local artisans.

Tickets will go on sale soon.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Advocacy Works

This came in from Project Alert. I would heartily recommend using the Capwiz function on the link below:

Late last night, the MA House and Senate approved a supplemental funding bill which includes an increase of $1,290,000 for the Regions (line item 7000-9401) in the FY2010 state budget. This supplemental budget (H.4181) is currently on the Governor’s desk. The Governor has ten days to review it and he also has the authority to line item veto. Your legislative advocacy is needed right now!

Through the passage of this supplemental budget, our Massachusetts Representatives and Senators have displayed tremendous support for the Commonwealth's libraries. Library advocates deserve credit for convincing our legislators that libraries are an excellent investment because they directly impact and improve the economic, educational and cultural lives of MA residents. But we can't stop now! Please share this message with as many library supporters as possible--- library staff, trustees and Friends and ask them to contact the Governor's office as soon as possible. Please contact the Governor's office and ask him to not veto this essential funding for the regional library systems.

Contact info:
Boston, MA Massachusetts State HouseOffice of the GovernorOffice of the Lt. GovernorRoom 280Boston, MA 02133

Phone: 617.725.4005
888.870.7770 (in state)
Fax: 617.727.9725TTY: 617.727.3666

You can also submit an email to the Governor using MLA Capwiz at
http://capwiz.com/ala/ma/state/main/?state=MAOr, on the State House web site at:http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=gov3utilities&sid=Agov3&U=Agov3_contact_us
Krista McLeod & Jackie Rafferty
Co-Chairs MLA Legislative Committee

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce that Natick artist Holly Lombardo will be Artist of the Month for July. Her acrylic works feature trees, shadows, snow, light and flowers. Lombardo’s pieces will be on display at the Dover Library for the entire month of July.

“I’ve been an artist my whole life, I just did not know it,” says Lombardo, a former protein chemist.

Although Lombardo experimented on her own with various techniques of watercolor while in college, the science major eschewed art classes for Chemistry and Physics. It was not until she connected with her artistic side years later did she realize her love for colorful expression and pursue her interest in art, proving that art and science indeed go hand in hand.

Having spent most of her life in Maine, she was always curious about nature and drew a distinct connection between watercolor painting and the natural world. Lombardo discovered her artistic flair with a $1.99 set of paint, two paint brushes and the inspiring Maine landscape.

Approaching it as the scientist she is, Lombardo began to develop her style, experimenting with various papers and pigments as a self-taught artist. She said she has always loved beautiful landscapes and finds all forms of life and light fascinating. Taking great enjoyment in simple compositions, Lombardo continues to strive for a pleasurable, colorful and bold painting style.

She also uses her photography as another form of expression and a resource for subjects to paint. Lombardo has recently started working in acrylics, which she enjoys since it allows her to break the rules of watercolor and layer light on dark.

Lombardo has lived in Natick with her husband and daughters for the past 13 years. Previously a protein chemist for 15 years, she now teaches math and science at a local Montessori school. With a calling to both, she feels that teaching is her profession, but painting is her passion. Lombardo is a member of Natick Artists Open Studios, Concord Art Association and the National Watercolor Society.

For more information on Lombardo, please visit the artist’s web site at http://www.paintedpaperbyholly.blogspot.com/

The Artist of the Month program is sponsored by the Friends of the Dover Library. Each month, a different local artist’s work is displayed in the library. Pieces are available for purchase and 10 percent of all sales go to the library.

The Dover Library is located at 56 Dedham Street in Dover. Summer library hours are: Monday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Tuesday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Thursday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. It is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

For more information, please visit the library’s web site at www.dovertownlibrary.org.

The Friends of the Dover Library provides special programs and services that expand and support the library's regular budget. For more information about the organization or how to become a member, please visit the Friends’ blog at www.friendsofdoverlibrary.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


The Friends of the Dover Library will be holding a book sale on Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Dover Library's Community Room. Stock up on beach reads and books that you can take on vacation and - at these prices - leave there. Fiction, non-fiction, adult and kids' books will all be on sale - come get some bargains and help support the library! 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friends Meeting on June 1


Often members of the Friends of the Dover Library are asked what the group does … for those with questions, now is an opportunity to learn about the group firsthand. The Friends will hold its next meeting on Monday, June 1 at 9 a.m. in the library's Community Room.  

This will be the last meeting before the Friends breaks for summer, and the group will wrap up this year’s activities, vote in new officers to the board, approve the annual budget and look ahead to planning for the fall. Next year, the Friends will meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. at the library

While all of the Friends’ meetings are open, the last one of the Friends’ calendar year is traditionally the one in which many attend to learn about the group and how they can join and/or volunteer with it. There is no commitment to join and all are encouraged to attend to see if it is something in which they would like to participate. There are always small and large obligations to fit everyone's time schedule and interest area.

Inquiries may be emailed to Lorie Linnell at lorielinn@aol.com.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pokanoket Club Studio of Artists to Show Works at Dover Library in May

The Friends is pleased to announce that the Pokanoket Club Studio of artists will be the Artists of the Month for May. Fourteen local artists, who take watercolor classes with Dover resident Fredericka Fiechter, will display their works of floral, landscape and still life paintings in watercolor, oils and pastel. The exhibit began May 3 and runs the entire month.

Fiechter teaches the class at her home, which once housed the Pokanoket Club, a former men's club in Dover that dates back to the late 1800s, giving the group its name. The class began 15 years ago and the group, which has changed slightly over the years, is in its eleventh showing at the library through the Artist of the Month program. 

The artists showing this year are: Alisa Billings (Dover), Judy Carver (Marion), Barbara Chandra (Newton), Jane Cheever (Dedham), Dorothy Dalton (Dover), Fredericka Fiechter (Dover), Deborah Gaines (Norfolk), Holly Johnstone (Needham), Robin Kakas (East Sandwich), Nancy Mackay (Dover), Sue Patterson (Barrington, RI), Eileen Perini (Dover), Beth Schroeder (Newton) and Joan Vaccarino (Sherborn).

Pieces are available for sale and 10% of sales go to the library.

Friday, April 24, 2009

May Meeting - Monday the 4th

The Friends will holds its next meeting on Monday, May 4, at 9 a.m. in the library's Community Room. All are welcome to attend. Topics to discuss include events for the remainder of the year, as well as planning into the fall. Following the meeting, a subcommittee will meet to discuss next year's membership materials.

Special Thursday Afternoon Tea Honoring Ellie Herd on May 7

Few can remember a time when Ellie Herd was not a presence at the Dover Library. For 30 years, Ellie, who is Head of Technical Services, has been helping library patrons and enriching their lives. Please join the Board of Library Trustees, the Friends of the Dover Library and the library staff as they honor Ellie at a special Thursday Afternoon Tea on May 7, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. In addition to a presentation chronicling her contributions and experiences at the library, the public is invited to come share memories of Ellie. Please join us as we honor and celebrate a woman who has given so much to the Dover Library and is an integral part of the our community.

Monday, April 6, 2009


The silent auction for the baskets ends on April 30, just in time for Mother's Day. The one exception is the end date for "Send in the Clowns", which ends April 16 due to ticket dates - a great school vacation distraction! Check them out at the library!

KIDDING AROUND - Est. Value $110
  • 2 Passes to Santa's Village ($48 value)
  • Dinosaur 
  • The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang
  • Fun Book
  • 365 TV-Free Things to Do With Your Child
  • Ugly Doll Card Game
  • Hot Chocolate (for when all else fails!)

  • 2 one-day passes to Six Flags ($83.98 value)
  • Pass for 4 to Davis Farmland and Mega Maze ($68 value)
  • Transformers 3D Puzzle
  • CD Game Collection: Atari Arcade; Ms. Pacman; I Spy Set - Spooky Mansion, School Days, Spooky Mansion Deluxe, Fantasy 
  • 365 Outdoor Activities You Can Do With Your Child
  • Brain Quest, 4th Grade
  • 2 Boston Duck Tours tickets ($60 value)
  • 2 Passes to New England Aquarium ($38 value)
  • Boston T-shirt (kids' size)
  • Freedom Trail Guide
  • Autographed copy of William Martin's Harvard Yard
  • The Tourists by Jeff Hobbs
  • Romantic Days and Nights in Boston
  • "Warm Weather is on the Way" dish towel
  • 5 Bertucci's Bucks ($5 gift certificates)
  • Italian kitchen garden
  • Bumble bee scrubby
  • The Fig Eater by Jody Shields
  • Think Like a Chef by Tom Colicchio
  • Kitchen Edition (the Library's own masterpiece cookbook)
  • Flavored coffee sampler
  • Set of 4 mini-souffle cups
  • Winnie the Pooh baby dining set
  • Day of pampering at Salon Mario Russo - hair cut, dry and manicure ($90 value)
  • The Women's Encyclopedia of Health and Emotional Healing
  • Zadie Smith on Beauty by Zadie Smith
  • Organic Soy Candles in Jasmine Vanilla and Butter Cream (no calories!)
  • Legacy Edition: The Stranger by Billy Joel (2 CD set with narrative)
  • Nirvana Chocolates in a gold tote
BREAKFAST IN BED - Est. Value $60
  • Trader Joe's Toasted Whole Grain O's
  • Trader Joe's Smooth Mellow Blend whole bean coffee
  • Trader Joe's Fresh Strawberry Preserves 
  • Trader Joe's 100% Pure Maple Syrup, Medium Amber Grade A
  • Nonni's Biscotti, Mint Chocolate
  • Twinnings of London ceramic teapot in presentation case (great for storing your favorite teas)
  • Three Cups of Tea: Jeni Fleming and Amira Mortenson's benefit CD for the school children of Pakistan and Afghanistan

KODAK MOMENTS - Est. Value $195
  • Portait Simple portrait session and 6-sheet photo package ($135 value)
  • 2 photo albums
  • Wood and pewter photo frames
  • Legacy Edition: The Stranger by Billy Joel (2 CD set with narrative)
  • Nirvana Chocolates to put a smile on your face (who says "cheese" anyway?)

SEND IN THE CLOWNS - Est. Value $175
  • 4 tickets to the Big Apple Circus ($156 value)
  • Stuffed elephant that makes elephant noises
  • Nirvana Chocolates

Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Gift Baskets at the Library

The gift baskets are up! More details to follow but in the interim, check out the goodies - they are on display and can be bid on at the library. The Circus pack has an April 16 deadline (due to tickets - just in time for school vacation!) but the others have an end date of April 30 - a great Mother's Day opportunity or treat for yourself!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ben Franklin at the Library

No joke!
A Benjamin Franklin impersonator came to the library on April 1 to perform "The Adventures of Benjamin Franklin" as part of the Friends' "Bringing History to Life" series for kids. Next week is Abigail Adams. The series is coordinated by the Friends and sponsored in part by a grant from the Dover Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

$67.87: what makes 29th in expenditure rank #1 in quality.


The Globe ran this as a graph last week, and compiled it from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners' website. It looked better in the bar chart print version of the Globe, but what it is showing us is the per capita dollar spent by each town on its library.

The Dover Town Library ranks 29th for per capita expenditures in the state, but it's the top library for its size in the state. (The top of the range is $192.90--in Chilmark--which is quite a bit higher than $67.87) This tells us a couple of things: first of all, your tax dollars are getting VERY good value at the Dover Town Library. Second, your Library is making excellent use of its resources--you're getting a lot of bang for your buck. You can thank the staff, Director and Trustees for those advantages. And you should go to Town Meeting on the first Monday in May to support the Library's lines in the municipal budget.

The other thing that comes to mind when looking at statistics like these is the value--monetary and otherwise--contributed to the town through community involvement: by a strong Friends of the Library organization. This is where your support can make the biggest difference. Membership in the Friends is an easy way to support one of the best institutions in town, from the inside out.

Together, through civic engagement and private support, we've made the Dover Town Library a first-quality institution, at a remarkably lean cost. It pains me to say this, but it looks like your hard-earned dollars do better at the Library than they do in the Dow!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

April 2 - Library Legislation Day

Library Legislation Day is April 2 at the State House. This annual event, sponsored by the Massachusetts Library Association (MLA) and the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA), is especially important this year as many MA libraries continue to sustain serious budget cuts. This is the group's opportunity to explain to legislators face-to-face why libraries are essential to the lives of their constituents. For full details and info on how to participate, please log onto:


Monday, March 23, 2009

Barney Levitt - April Artist of the Month

"Spring Awakening: Contemporary Realism with a Twist" Comes to Dover Library in April

The Friends is pleased to announce that Boston-based Barney Levitt is the April Artist of the Month. His show, titled "Spring Awakening: Contemporary Realism with a Twist", will feature Levitt's often tongue-in-cheek oil paintings, which are executed in the style and tradition of Dutch Masters. The exhibit will be on display for the entire month.

"I've always been drawn to detail and a dramatic use of light," said Levitt. "In my still life paintings, I prefer to work from real life set-ups and choose objects that relate to my life. I try to create a narrative that will elevate and give new meaning to their ordinariness. Humor often creeps in, and sometimes there's an implicit smirk or wink I am trying to convey to my audience." 

Levitt has shown nationally as well as internationally, and he is a member of the Copley Society of Art; the Addison Art Gallery, Orleans; the International Guild of Realism; Oil Painters of America; United South End Artists; and the Jamaica Plain Artists Association.

For more information on Levitt, please visit his web site at www.barneylevitt.com.

April Meeting

The Friends will hold its next meeting on Monday, April 6, at 9 am in the library's Community Room. Topics to discuss include a recap of the Bee, upcoming children's events and plans for next year's membership materials.

Monday, March 16, 2009

NY Times Article on libraries

And Kate saw a similar one this weekend in the NY Times. Strong reminders of why what the Friends does is so important.


Globe article on libraries' funding issues

A great article in today's Globe explaining the funding issues libraries are facing and how they affect patrons. This is why the Friends' fundraising is more crucial than ever.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Fun at Feb Wine Tasting

"A Champagne, Wine and Chocolate Affair" was a big hit in Feb. Bob Harkey (above, top right; of Harkey's Wine and Spirits in Millis) came again to share his knowledge of wines - in this instance champagnes and ports - and the group also enjoyed chocolates donated by Nirvana Chocolates, Belgium's Best Chocolates, Inc. in Wellesley (above, left). Mary Yanke also came to display he lovely plates (right) and generously donated a percentage of sales that night to the Friends. The auction baskets were also popular so many thanks to all who came and helped make it a success!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

April Series for Children "Bringing History to Life"

The Friends is pleased to announce a three-program series for children entitled, "Bringing History to Life." Each program will be held on a Wednesday in April from 1:30 to 2:30 pm in the library's Community Room. The programs are free and open to the public. No registration is required and children may attend any or all of the events.

On April 1, a Ben Franklin impersonator will speak to the children in his performance of "The Adventured of Benjamin Franklin." The following week, on April 8, a performance of "Abigail Adams: Mother, Daughter & Wife of the Revolution" will be held. Last, on April 15, the children will watch a video titled "Settling the New World," part of the Colonial Life for Children Series. Following the video, in conjunction with the Dover Historical Society, the children will participate in a craft or activity.

The program series is coordinated by the Friends of the Dover Library and supported in part by a grant from the Dover Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC). For more info on the MCC, please visit www.massculturalcouncil.org.

"We are so thrilled to be able to bring these events to the library for our children, and we are grateful to the Dover Cultural Council, whose grant made it possible," said Lorie Linnell, president, Friends of the Dover Library. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

March Artist of the Month


The Friends is pleased to announce that the March Artist of the Month is award-winning photographer Beth Hoffer. Her exhibit, titled, "Every Picture tells a Story," features photographs of New England's natural and architectural beauty. Her work will be showcased at the library all month.

Hoffer said her photographs represent her view of the world, and she finds a certain satisfaction in having the opportunity to share this view with others. She also uses her photography to raise funds for local libraries and other organizations.

Although she long enjoyed taking pictures, Hoffer did not publicly show her work until a few years ago. Her love for photography was born when, as a child, she used her mother's Brownie box camera to take her first pictures. In recent years, she began to make note cards, featuring her pictures, for friends and family. With their encouragement, she found the courage to exhibit her work and show it in shops and galleries.

Prior to turning to photography full-time, Hoffer, who has a Masters in Library Science, worked at public and academic libraries, causes she continues to support through her art and fundraising efforts.

For more information on Hoffer and her work, please visit her web site, www.LyricPhotos.net.

*Photographs copyright Beth I. Hoffer

Friday, February 20, 2009


The next Friends' meeting will be on Monday, March 2, at 9 am in the library's community room. All are welcome to attend. Topics to discuss include the March 26 Spelling Bee, upcoming children's events and a recap of the Feb. wine tasting and auction baskets.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Renowned Mime Coming to Dover on March 7

It's mime time! The Friends is pleased to announce that renowned mime Robert Rivest will be coming to Dover to perform on Saturday, March 7, at 11 am. In order to accommodate a larger audience, the event will be held in Kraft Hall at Dover Church as opposed to the library, where children's events are usually held. The event is free and open to the public.

One of the most prolific mime artists in the world, Rivest's performances stimulate the imagination and entertain both the young and young at heart. He has created more than 120 original works and performs for many types or groups and organizations. A student of Marcel Marceau, Rivest also trained for more than 10 years with internationally renowned masters of mime, dance, theater and improvisation. In 2001 he founded The Rivest School of Mime, where Rivest teaches and directs beginners through professionals. 

For more information on Rivest, please visit his web site, www.rivestmime.com.

Thanks to Lorie Linnell for organizing an event for children! 

Reminder: Wine and Chocolate on Feb 12

Don't forget that "A Champagne, Wine and Chocolate Affair" will be in Thursday, Feb 12, at 7 pm. See you there!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Needham's Anne Nydam Will Showcase Her Carved Wood and Rubber Block Prints in February 

The Friends is please to announce that Anne Nydam of Needham is the February  Artist of the Month. The exhibit, titled "Some Creatures Great and Small", will feature block prints, which are made from wood blocks and rubber blocks carved by Nydam. Nydam's works will be in display at the library throughout the month. 

"Animals are one of my favorite subjects because of the wonderful variety of form and pattern they display," said Nydam. "Making these images helps me not to take the amazing creatures of the world for granted, and I hope it will do the same for everyone who views my work."

Nydam sketches a design on paper if using rubber, or if using wood, directly on the block, and then carves out the parts that are to remain white. She then rolls ink on the block and presses the paper on top. Each print is then signed and numbered and the edition labeled. Most of her prints are made using water-based ink on plain white acid-free paper. 

For more information on Nydam and her work, please visit www.nydamprints.com.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Spelling Bee Fee

Please note that the entry fee for the Bee is $300 per team - or $100 per person. Due to my incorrect earlier blog entry, it ran in the Globe today with the wrong amount. Sorry for the confusion. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Champagne, Wine and Chocolate Affair - Feb 12

Need some tips on how to make Valentine's Day special or looking for that perfect pre-Valentine's Day date? Look no further than the Dover Library. The Friends of the Dover library is sponsoring "A Champagne, Wine and Chocolate Affair", a wine and chocolate tasting, on Thursday, February 12, from 7 to 9 p.m. 

The chocolates will be from Nirvana Chocolates, Belgium's Best Chocolates, Inc. of Wellesley, courtesy of Christophe Van Riet. Bob Harkey, of Harkey's Wine and Spirits in Millis, will speak on wines and champagne that go well with chocolate. Harkey led the Friends' successful wine tasting this past fall.

The event is open to all members of the community of legal drinking age. Tickets are $25 per person and are on sale at the library. 

To purchase tickets by mail, please send a check to the library. The check should be made to "Friends of the Dover Library" and note "A Champagne, Wine and Chocolate Affair" on the memo line. Tickets ordered by mail will be available at the door the night of the event.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Spelling Bee Set for March 26

Save the date! The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce that the Dover Library's 4th Annual Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, March 26, at 7 p.m. at the Dover Town House. As in years past, the Bee will be broadcast live on Dover Cable.

Dover's finest spellers are invited to join the gentle competition for the title and grand prize of Enormous Bragging Rights (there is also a plaque in the library). Participants compete in teams of three. The entry fee is still only $300 per team and each team may also purchase a $100 Mulligan. Entry forms are available at the library and the words will be available to paid teams by Feb. 12.

In addition to the Bee itself, the Friends will also be putting on the popular "Bee Tree", where anyone can purchase a mystery item (goods and gift cards) based on the word clue written on a bee, and the "Bee Cafe" will be serving snacks.

For more information, log onto the Bee Blog at http://spellboundindover.blogspot.com.

Valentine's Day Gift Baskets - Part 2

Party Heart-y (top left)
Heart cocktail ice cube trays; heart serving dishes; heart placemats (set of 4); heart oven mitt; heart magnetic list pad. (Est. value $25)

Put a Tiger in Your Tank
(top right)
Scrub-A-Dub 5-pack of "The Works"; Eddie Bauer travel survival kit; fog shield mitt; portable massage pillow; "Faster!" DVD; "Step Into Liquid" DVD; MadagasCAR zipper pull lip balm; tiger Webkinz. (Est. value $120)

Red-y to Celebrate (bottom left)
Pair of red wine goblets; red tea light holder and tea light; champagne fridge magnet; Robert Parker: The Emperor of Wine; Clos de los Siete, Mendoza (Argentina) 2004; wine presentation box. (Est. value $50)

The Dark Side (bottom right)
Brampton Shiraz, 2005 South Africa (featured at the library's fall wine tasting); dark chocolate cocoa mix; Strange Fits of Passion by Anita Shreve; "I used to care" mug; Coffin in Fashion by Gwendoline Butler; Quinettos con Guitarra CD; Fish! Catch the Energy and Release the Potential (in case you change you mind!). (Est. value $25)

Valentine's Day Gift Baskets -Part 1

Words of Love (top left)
Trio of bud vases; rose-scented Yankee candle; stationery desk set; shell photo frame; 2 chocolate scented pens; note pads; Love From Your Friend Hanna; Loving Each Other; friendship fridge magnet. (Est. value $50)

Winter Weekend (top right)
Chevalier Monopole Champagne, blanc de blancs; wine passport books (Italy, France, California); pair of red wine goblets; starfish wine stopper; vanilla tangerine candle; vanilla hot chocolate; "A Good Year" DVD; giant Toblerone (Est. value $85)

Surrender the Pink (bottom left)
The Pause That Refreshes (bottom right)
Pair of heart-studded mugs; Bentley's Green tea; cranberry-apple tea; caramel hot cocoa; Lindor truffles; semi-dark hot cocoa mix. (Est. value $25)

Friday, January 16, 2009

February Meeting

The Friends will hold its next meeting on Monday, February 2, at 9 a.m. in the library's Community Room. All are welcome to attend. Topics to discuss include planning for the Feb. 12 wine and chocolate tasting (tickets on sale for $25 per person at the library) and the March 26 Spelling Bee (register your team now at the library). The Friends of the Library is still looking for volunteers to assist with children's programs and the upcoming Spelling Bee.

Library Auction Baskets

Looking for that perfect something for your Valentine? Tired of the dreary winter and ready to spoil yourself a bit? The Friends of the Library have just what you need!

Come place a bid on one or more of our new auction baskets: win a fabulous themed gift package and support the Library.

The baskets are on the main floor of the Library. Each basket has a bid sheet--just fill out the card and we will do the rest! You can even bid "anonymously" using your Library Card number. Bids will be closed and baskets awarded after our Wine & Chocolate event on the evening of Thursday, February 12th.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cheryl Clinton is January Artist of the Month

Capturing the moods, colors and patterns of the landscape, Cheryl Clinton's paintings reflect her passion for art and nature. The Friends of the Dover Library is pleased to announce her works of these images will be on display at the Dover Library in January, where Clinton is Artist of the Month. Her exhibit, titled, "Blooming - Thoughts of Spring in Winter" will feature acrylic paint and acrylic based mixed media pieces.

"My work has always been inspired by nature and my place in it," said Clinton. "As my situation changed - from student to teacher, single to married, child to parent - so has my view of the landscape. As the landscape of my life changed, so did the nature of my artwork. Always grounded in observations of the natural world - sky, water and earth, this new series is also inspired by the sadness of loss as well as the joy of birth."

Clinton continued: "While initially many of my paintings take their cues from the natural world, all of the paintings are created in the studio, as are much about the nature of paint and painting as they are reflections of nature. My goal was to create a contemplative visual space - a space that embodies a spirit, a space that acts as a passage between our world and one that may exist beyond ours."

Assessing one of Clinton's exhibits, the Boston Globe's Cate McQuaid noted that, "Any one of her works is a wonder to look at: Its sleek surface, built up with many layers of glaze, recalls beautifully veined and faceted marble."

Clinton has had solo exhibits at the Danforth Museum of Art in Framingham and the Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boylston. Recent exhibits also include a three-person show entitled "Natural Forces: Three Artists Exhibit the Landscape," as well as annual participation in the Massachusetts College of Art's Benefit Auction. Her paintings are included in the corporate collection of Meditech and in numerous private collections throughout the United States and abroad. 

The artist has also been active as a promoter of the arts in the Metrowest Boston area, in particular as the creator of the successful Fountain Street Open Studios in Framingham, now in its eleventh year.

Clinton first became passionate about art growing up in Framingham. After earning a bechelor's degree from the Massachusetts College of Art, she traveled to Europe, where her sense of the natural world was inspired by the waterways of Venice and the surf of Skopelos Island. She then went on to complete her master's degree from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Moveing to Boylston with her husband, Frederick A. Randell, renewed her childhood memories of the unspoiled beauty of rural New England. 

For more information, please visit her web site at www.cclinton.com.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Library as Recession Sanctuary: check out today's Globe editorial:


Here is Derrick Z. Jackson's discussion of the importance of libraries in our economic state. Interesting and timely quotes by Amy Ryan, Director of the BPL, on the the essential role libraries play in our lives and in our communities. Pass it on!