Friday, May 15, 2009

Friends Meeting on June 1


Often members of the Friends of the Dover Library are asked what the group does … for those with questions, now is an opportunity to learn about the group firsthand. The Friends will hold its next meeting on Monday, June 1 at 9 a.m. in the library's Community Room.  

This will be the last meeting before the Friends breaks for summer, and the group will wrap up this year’s activities, vote in new officers to the board, approve the annual budget and look ahead to planning for the fall. Next year, the Friends will meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. at the library

While all of the Friends’ meetings are open, the last one of the Friends’ calendar year is traditionally the one in which many attend to learn about the group and how they can join and/or volunteer with it. There is no commitment to join and all are encouraged to attend to see if it is something in which they would like to participate. There are always small and large obligations to fit everyone's time schedule and interest area.

Inquiries may be emailed to Lorie Linnell at


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pokanoket Club Studio of Artists to Show Works at Dover Library in May

The Friends is pleased to announce that the Pokanoket Club Studio of artists will be the Artists of the Month for May. Fourteen local artists, who take watercolor classes with Dover resident Fredericka Fiechter, will display their works of floral, landscape and still life paintings in watercolor, oils and pastel. The exhibit began May 3 and runs the entire month.

Fiechter teaches the class at her home, which once housed the Pokanoket Club, a former men's club in Dover that dates back to the late 1800s, giving the group its name. The class began 15 years ago and the group, which has changed slightly over the years, is in its eleventh showing at the library through the Artist of the Month program. 

The artists showing this year are: Alisa Billings (Dover), Judy Carver (Marion), Barbara Chandra (Newton), Jane Cheever (Dedham), Dorothy Dalton (Dover), Fredericka Fiechter (Dover), Deborah Gaines (Norfolk), Holly Johnstone (Needham), Robin Kakas (East Sandwich), Nancy Mackay (Dover), Sue Patterson (Barrington, RI), Eileen Perini (Dover), Beth Schroeder (Newton) and Joan Vaccarino (Sherborn).

Pieces are available for sale and 10% of sales go to the library.