Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More on Advocacy: State Library of Massachusetts--potentially closing, but at what cost?

This just in, from the Reference Department of the State Library:

At a press conference on Thursday, October 29, the Massachusetts Governor's Office announced that Governor Patrick is considering closing the State Library of Massachusetts as a cost-saving measure. This closure will have a monumental impact on the cultural heritage of the Commonwealth.

Open to the public since 1826, the State Library has developed comprehensive collections in the areas of government documents, law, Massachusetts history, and public and current affairs. From the Bradford manuscript "Of Plimoth Plantation" to the ever-expanding digital repository, the State Library has collected items of crucial importance to the record of Massachusetts' historical wealth.

Please sign our online petition to show your support of the State Library of Massachusetts:
After signing, a message will appear asking if you would like to make a donation. There is no need to make a donation. Your name has been recorded, and an acknowledgement email will be sent. Just close out of this window. This is the price of using a “free” petition site.

Additionally, if you would like to contact the Governor's office directly, please visit his website at

If you would like to make a donation, please visit the Friends of the State Library page at

Follow us on Facebook at Save Your State Library!

The State Library is undertaking exciting digital initiatives to provide greater public access to our collections.

· Electronic Repository: This summer, the library upgraded its electronic repository of the Acts and Resolves and other state publications. In addition to a new look and feel and enhanced features, we have added several thousand new electronic documents.

· Scanning: Through a partnership with the UMass Boston libraries and the Boston Library Consortium, the library has scanned the Acts and Resolves from 1692 to present, the Reports of the Attorney General (1832 to present) and several other series. These digital objects will be added to our electronic repository and are currently available on our website.

· Electronic Journals List: Through our affiliation with our library network, we are now able to provide an A to Z list of electronic journals available through the library’s subscriptions (some require a State Library of Massachusetts card for access).

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: in this economic environment, we are going to have to be increasingly committed to advocating for the things we believe in. What you do next is up to you.

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